Indie Horror Wiki
Spongebob Slenderpants
Developer ThisWasEd & Liam de Waal
Engine Unity
Year of release April 28, 2013
Base game Windows, Mac, Linux

Spongebob Slenderpants (or referred to as Slenderpants, Slendypants, or Slender Spongebob) is the name of a Slender-Styled horror game where you have to collect all Krabby Patties before Spongebob gets you.

Game Description[]

Slenderpants is a Slender-style game that was developed by ThisWasEd and Liam de Waal. The aim of the game is to collect 8 pages, before Slenderpants gets you.


The game starts in the middle of a big forest map where you play as Patrick Star and have to find 8 (or more) Krabby Patties without getting killed by Spongebob Slenderpants. If you look at Slenderpants for a certain amount of time, you will get an image showing a close up of Slenderpants face showing that you died.

Game Releases[]

March 25 2013: v1.0 was released.

March 26 2013: v1.1 was released.

April 28 2013: v1.9 was released.


  • In v1.0, the first ever version of Spongebob Slenderpants is released.
  • In v1.1, Slenderpants now speeds up as more pages are collected, Glowstick Mode was added, and the mouse was fixed for not showing up after dying of suffocation.
  • In v1.9, The game was added playable for Windows, Mac, and Linux, the game added volume control, spanish translations, changed the Pages to Krabby Patties, changed the trees and added new effects when caught by Slenderpants.
  • In a older version of the game, If you looked at Slenderpants when he was close to you, he would play a loud scream sound, but this was later changed to Patrick Star going "WEE WOO, WEE WOO, WEE WOO!"


In a older version of the game if Slenderpants hit a tree, he would then be sent flying in a random direction. He will disappear for a second, and then he will go back to chasing you. Sometimes he can even be seen randomly flying (sometimes even shaking while flying.) A youtuber named dlive22891 experienced these glitches in this video.
